The Bolt Controller: Remote, In-service Monitoring of Bolted Joints in Mining Equipment

The Bolt Controller: Remote, In-service Monitoring of Bolted Joints in Mining Equipment

Owners of Crusher equipment, Mills and other mining and industry machinery, understand the need for cutting edge technology to maintain the machinery at maximum and safe operational efficiency. In the mining industry, there is a growing trend to achieve this through continuous monitoring of the machinery using online monitoring technology.

Bolted joints are particularly vulnerable to failure and in-service, online monitoring provides a preventative measure, adjusting bolt tension before they fail and potentially having an impact on personal safety and the equipment’s performance.

The Bolt Controller technology uses innovative hydraulic systems to provide pressurised force to the bolts. A pressure transducer dedicated to each bolt provides monitoring, adjustment, automatic reporting and early warning for bolt tension issues for each individual bolt.

When the Bolt Controller detects an issue with bolt tension, the system will activate pressure to the specific bolt until the bolt reaches the required bolt tension without impacting on the equilibrium of surrounding bolts. Reports are sent to the clients control system at a specified frequency, up to 4 times per second. The control system can be located remotely for offsite monitoring.

Proximity probes can also be linked to each bolt for an early warning system. If a bolt is reaching maximum stoke, an alert is given before a seal failure occurs, allowing for planned maintenance rather than costly emergency repairs.

The benefits of using online and remote technology to monitor bolt integrity and safety include;

  • Early detection of imminent bolt failure

  • Allows operators to optimise plant operations

  • Eliminate unplanned breakdowns

  • Information of real in-service performance

  • Facilitates accurate planned activities

  • Provides Engineers with key useable data

  • Validates performance at varying throughput levels

There are many ways to monitor bolt tension in bolted joints, however utilising online and remote technology is convenient and safe for machinery operators with the added benefit of monitoring the machinery from any convenient location. A convenient option, particularly if the location of the bolts is difficult to access and in-service bolt tension monitoring is beneficial.

Boltress Ultrasonics bring years of experience to the application of the technology, customising the technology to suit the exact needs of the equipment and operators. If online technology is not a good fit for you, Boltress also offer fibreoptic solutions.
Commissioning and installation of the equipment is achieved in three easy steps.

First experienced technicians will visit the site and provide detailed drawings for the layout of the hydraulic hoses and pipes and the location of the pump units, as well as the location and interface for the commander. Once this custom design has been improved the system is installed and then, in the final step, the system is programmed and tested to ensure it meets all requirements.

If you would like more detailed information on how the Bolt Controller Technology works and specific application to your machines please contact Boltstress at your earliest convenience. Trevor and the team are experts in the field of bolt tension and look forward to customising a workable, affordable and safe solution for you.

Avoid using the wrong socket. Download our free Bolt to Nut comparison chart.